SNAP at Your Farmers Market

SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, is an important program connecting low-income consumers to healthy food. Reaching healthy food is easy when SNAP beneficiaries have access to farmers markets. To accomplish this a farmers market manager or farmer must have wireless equipment to accept the electronic benefits.

Since 2002, New York State has contracted with the Farmers Market Federation of NY to assist farmers markets and direct marketing farmers to participate in the SNAP program. The Federation provides the following assistance:

  • Assistance through the application process, including the SNAP retailer application

  • Provide the card reader and printer to all farmers markets and direct marketing farmers who provide a compatible smartphone or iPad, along with a data plan

  • Training on participating in the SNAP program

  • Annual fee reimbursements for SNAP transactions and processing

  • Media kit to help promote SNAP at your market and/or farm

  • For central terminal markets, signage for the market and all participating farmers, tokens for SNAP transactions

  • Annual promotional campaign to build awareness of SNAP at farmers markets

  • Troubleshooting with USDA and Novo Dia Group

  • Consultation on building a SNAP program for your market

To get started, fill out the form below to schedule a consultation appointment with our Executive Director, Jack Riffle.
Are you a Farmer or Vendor looking to accept SNAP? Fill out this form.
Are you a Market Manager looking to enroll your market in SNAP? Fill out this form.

Steps to Accepting SNAP

  1. Find out if SNAP is right for you by watching the Webinars below.

  2. Schedule a SNAP Consultation with our Executive Director, Jack Riffle, who will walk you though the application process


SNAP Webinar Series